WALT: give and follow directions using North, South, East and West. Draw and follow a path to show a route followed.
First we read the book Hanzel and Grettel. Then we discussed the various routes the children had taken in the story. First they were taken into the woods by their father. He left them there but they found their way home (route A). Again the father took the children back into the woods and left them there (route B). This time they could not find their way back, but they did manage to find a gingerbread house. They stayed there with the wicked witch for a while then managed to escape back home (route C).
On a grid the children drew their own version of the story and the routes taken. In their maths books they wrote down the route by using NESW directions. For example, Route A was: 4S, 3E, 5W, 2S, 3N, 2W.
The children checked each other’s maps by following the instructions from the maths books.
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